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Vaxee provides a request function to fetch data and store it in the store. Also request provides a way to cache the data and several options to enhance the data fetching process. Cache is stored in the store and is shared between all components that use the store. That means if you fetch the data in one component, it will be available in another component without fetching it again.


If you are using server-side rendering (SSR), it is recommended to read the SSR section to avoid hydration errors.

Create a Request

To create a request, use the request function from the createStore callback.

import { createStore } from "vaxee";
import { fetchUser } from "../api/user";

export const useUserStore = createStore("user", ({ request }) => {
  const user = request(() => fetchUser(1));

  return {

This small example includes caching the data, error handling and loading states. Now each call of useUserStore won't trigger a new request to the server. Instead, it will return the cached data.


The request function accepts a function that returns a promise. This function provides arguments that can be used to customize the behavior of the request.

interface VaxeeRequestParams<P> {
  signal: AbortSignal;
  param: P;


An AbortSignal object is used to automatically abort the request when the request is sent multiple times.

const useUsersStore = createStore("users", ({ request }) => {
  const users = request(({ signal }) =>
    fetch("/users", { signal }).then((res) => res.json())

  return { users };


You can pass a parameter to the request. This parameter will be passed to the request function. Each call of execute will override the previous parameter. refresh will use the last parameter.

const useUserStore = createStore("user", ({ request }) => {
  // You can type the param as you want or use `VaxeeRequestParams<number>` type
  const user = request(({ param }: { param: number }) =>
    fetch(`/users/${param}`).then((res) => res.json())

  return { user };
<script setup>
const { data: user, execute: executeUser } = useUserStore("user");

onMounted(() => {

To add a default parameter, you can pass it to the request function with destructuring.

const useUserStore = createStore("user", ({ request }) => {
  const user = request(({ param = 1 }: { param: number }) =>
    fetch(`/users/${param}`).then((res) => res.json())

  return { user };


You can pass options to the request function to customize the behavior.

interface VaxeeRequestOptions {
  mode?: "auto" | "lazy" | "manual";
  watch?: WatchSource[];
  onError?: <E = unknown>(error: E) => any;


  • auto - The request will be sent automatically on server-side, if available, with onServerPrefetch hook. Also the request will be sent automatically on the client-side if did not send on the server-side.
  • client - The request will be sent automatically only on the client-side.
  • manual - If you want control the request manually, you can set the mode to manual and request won't be sent automatically.

Default: auto


You can pass an array of state objects or getter properties or a function that returns a value to watch. If the value changes, the request will be refreshed.

const useUserStore = createStore("user", ({ request, state }) => {
  const token = state("");
  const user = request(
    () => {
      if (!token.value) return null;

      return fetchUser();
      watch: [token],

  return { token, user };


You can pass a function that will be called when an error occurs.

const useUserStore = createStore("user", ({ request }) => {
  const user = request(() => fetchUser(), {
    onError: (error) => {

  return { user };

Use a Request

Let's use this request in a component.

<script setup>
import { useUserStore } from "../stores/user";

const {
  // user, userStatus, userError are still reactive
  data: user,
  error: userError,
  status: userStatus,
  execute: executeUser,
  refresh: refreshUser,
  suspense: suspenseUser,
  onSuccess: onUserSuccess,
  onError: onUserError,
} = await useUserStore("user");

onUserSuccess((user) => {
  console.log("User fetched successfully", user);

onUserError((error) => {
  console.error("User fetch failed", error);

onMounted(() => {
  setInterval(() => {
  }, 5000);

// Or you can use it directly:
// const store = useUserStore.reactive();

// ❌ it will work but you'll get the same if mode is "auto"
onServerPrefetch(async () => {
  await suspenseUser();

  <div v-if="userStatus === 'fetching'">Loading...</div>
  <div v-else-if="userStatus === 'error'">Error: {{ userError.message }}</div>
  <div v-else>
    Refreshing: {{ userStatus === "refreshing" }}<br />
    <p>User ID: {{ }}</p>
    <p>User Name: {{ }}</p>
    <p>User Email: {{ }}</p>


The request function returns an promiseable object with the following properties:

  • data - The data returned from the request. It's a ref object.
  • error - The error returned from the request. It's a ref object.
  • status - The status of the request. It's a ref object. It can be one of the following values:
  • execute - A function that sends the request and clears the data.
  • refresh - A function that refreshes the request without clearing the data.
  • suspense - A function that waiting for the promise to resolve. It's useful for server-side rendering (SSR).
  • onSuccess - A function that is called when the request is successful.
  • onError - A function that is called when the request fails.
enum VaxeeRequestStatus {
  NotFetched = "not-fetched",
  Fetching = "fetching",
  Refreshing = "refreshing",
  Error = "error",
  Success = "success",