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On this page you can find how to use Vaxee with server-side rendering (SSR).



If you are using the Nuxt package, you can skip this section. The code below is already included in the Nuxt package.

To use Vaxee with server-side rendering (SSR), you need to use save your data before sending it to the client and then restore it on the client side. You can do it by inserting your data into the HTML response.


When inserting data into the HTML response, make sure to properly escape it. You can use the devalue package for this purpose.

To restore same data on the client side, you can use the following code.

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import { createVaxee } from "vaxee";

const vaxee = createVaxee();
const app = createApp(App);

if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
  vaxee.state.value = JSON.parse(


The main point is to set the vaxee.state.value with the data before using any store.


If you are using some server-side rendering (SSR) framework, you also can use the await syntax to wait the data before rendering the component.


The suspense function is not responsible for fetching data, even if you call it multiple times. Its purpose is to allow you to wait for the promise inside the request function to resolve. To fetch the data, you need to call the execute or refresh function.

import { useUserStore } from "../stores/user";

 * You can use `await` directly in the component
 * to wait the data resolving every time the component is rendered.
 * @see
const { data: user } = await useUserStore("user");

// Or another way to wait the data resolving
const { suspense: userSuspense } = useUserStore("user");

await userSuspense();