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The main purpose of a store is to provide ability to store and manage some parts of the application state. It should be used to store data that is shared between multiple components.

Creating a store

To create a store, use the createStore function and pass a name of the store and a callback function that returns the store object.

import { createStore } from "vaxee";

export const useCounterStore = createStore("counter", ({ state, getter }) => {
  const count = state(0);
  const double = getter(() => count.value * 2);

  const increment = () => {

  return {

This was a simple example of a store with a state, for more complex stores look at other Core Concepts.

Using a store

We provide several ways to use a store in a component.


The most common way to use a store is to destructure the store object.

<script setup>
import { useCounterStore } from "../stores/counter";

const { count, increment } = useCounterStore();

// count is: Ref<number>
// increment is: () => void

    <p>{{ count }}</p>
    <button @click="increment">Increment</button>

Each property defined with state or getter will be reactive in the component.


You can also use the store object directly.

<script setup>
import { useCounterStore } from "../stores/counter";

const store = useCounterStore();

// store is:
// {
//   count: Ref<number>,
//   increment: () => void,
// }

    <p>{{ store.count }}</p>
    <button @click="store.increment">Increment</button>

Escape .value

If you want to avoid using .value in the component, you can call reactive() function from the store when using it.

<script setup>
import { useCounterStore } from "../stores/counter";

const store = useCounterStore.reactive();

// store is:
// {
//   count: number,
//   increment: () => void,
// }

    <p>{{ store.count }}</p>
    <button @click="store.increment">Increment</button>


After call reactive() function, you can't use destructuring.

import { useCounterStore } from "../stores/counter";

const { count } = useCounterStore.reactive();

count++; // Won't work

Pick a prop

You can also select a single property from the store. If a property is defined with state, it will be a ref and you can use v-model with it. Properties defined with getter will be computed properties. All other properties will be plain.

<script setup>
import { useCounterStore } from "../stores/counter";

const count = useCounterStore("count");
// Ref<number>
const increment = useCounterStore("increment");
// () => void

    <p>{{ count }}</p>
    <button @click="count++">Increment</button>
    <button @click="increment">Increment</button>

How it works

A store is created using the createStore function. This function accepts two arguments: the name of the store and a callback function that returns the store object.

First argument is the name of the store needs to be unique across the application due to saving the state in the global state object.

We created a wrappers around ref and computed due to more control the data and to provide more features.

Under the hood

We do not use effectScope from Vue to create stores in order to avoid side effects in stores. Instead, we have a single ref under the hood to store the entire state of the stores. In general, it can be visualized like this:

// Create a simple store
createStore("counter", ({ state }) => ({
  count: state(0),

// Somewhere inside Vaxee
const state = ref({
  counter: {
    count: 0,